GIF – Green Innovation in the Fashion industry management – is a European Union Erasmus+ project, financed by the Italian National Agency INAPP under the call KA220-VET – Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training. The project has started on March 2022 and will last 24 months.
GIF project aims to impact on the SMEs in the fashion/textile sector, relevant in the pilot countries and at the same time with a dangerous environmental footprint. Being a European project, GIF will be implemented by 7 partners coming from 5 different European countries, Italy, Greece, Germany, Spain, and Romania.
The partnerships that has been created, decided to apply to this project to face, from an education and higher educational point of view, the problems related to the increase of Co2 emission all over the world and, in particular, in eastern Europe. GIF project will develop online training courses and a training kit for the development of new approaches and ideas to a “greener” textile sector.
GIF will develop new ideas and training for stakeholders who will learn how to reduce their emissions and pollution through e-learning courses, best practices, innovative green initiatives, multiplier events and exchanges of information and excellence in the specific sector